Topics in ‘Home’

More speaking announcementy things

Ah, another non-geek-writing update. Alas! Between family issues, changing jobs, working on my OSCON tutorials and flat-out baking in the mid-summer heat… Oh, did I mention OSCON? I did not, before today, because I am a bad, bad blogger. I’ll be at OSCON next week, giving a Javascript tutorial and two regular sessions on user […]

Quick Glimpse: Evolution of Humor

You may think I’ve forgotten about the article I promised about tech writing, but I’m still chugging away. I spent quite a bit of time on it today, actually. It just keeps getting bigger. I’ve decided I have to split it into two parts: what’s wrong and why for part 1, and specific ideas for […]

RailsConf 2006 Talk & Notes

Phew! RailsConf is over. It was awesome and exhausting—from the late nights in the crummy hotel “bar” and agonizing over lackluster wireless, to the random accordian music, hilarious jokes, and pick-up games of Mario Kart DS. I met so many great people I can’t even keep them straight in my memory. If we talked at […]

RailsDay, RailsConf

RailsConf I’m at RailsConf! If you see me, come over and say hi. I have green hair, and I’m female, so I’m easy to spot. Also, I’ve finally caved and uploaded a picture: I’ve found that if I smile, I look drugged, and if I don’t smile, I also looked drugged, so there you go! […]

Sneak Peak for RailsDay

I’m still awake and still working. Coming soon to a screen near you.

Interested in learning to write better?

Hey Kids, It’s Democratic Blog Time™! I’m going through old posts that I started but never finished, or notes I made to myself to write about later, etc. The first one I’m thinking of tackling is an article about why most tech writing sucks and how to write better (a guide for geeks specifically). The […]

Workshop for Good Thoughts

It’s been just over 4 weeks since Workshop for Good was wrapped up. I started to write a post about it at the time, but I just never got to finishing it. So here, with the added perspective of a month, is what I think and thought about Workshop for Good. Written the day afterwards: […]

Because, Let’s Face It, Webrick Sucks

My favorite new web server is a real dog. No, really. And it’s no poncy purebred, either—it’s a Mongrel. Goodbye, Webrick Webrick is the built-in Ruby web server that is the default for each Rails app you create or download—when you type script/server, that’s what it’s running, unless you’ve configured it otherwise. It used to […]

Perfection Paralysis & The Joy of Little Posts

Oy! So every time I sit down to write a blog entry, I’m questioning the relevancy of what I’m about to write—I want to serve you, my dear readers, and that’s no joke (t-shirt- and coworker-pimping aside). But I’m about to stop doing it. I have recently realized that the more I restrain my fun […]

Meet My Coworkers in Dublin

There’s some more Rails content coming, I promise, but I’ve been absolutely beat. However, I’m going to take a moment or two of your time and pimp my good friends and coworkers’ talks in the lovely Dublin, Ireland (where I wish I was going!). Well, actually, two coworkers and one boss. Or… well, I can’t […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
Freckle Time Tracking