Topics in ‘Home’

Quick T-shirt Update

I’m working on a post talking about my experience(s) at Workshop for Good, but I haven’t finished it up just yet. But I did want to drop you all a line about the Cthulhu-isher t-shirts. The real ones—all nice and screen printed—have arrived! Folks who have paid already, I’ll be sending you yours in the […]

Random Fulfillment of Lifelong Dreams

Well, I never have put up the tip jar I’ve been thinking about, because somehow it just seems a little low. But, I’ve always wanted to sell some t-shirts, committing my crazier moments to a lifetime of display on people’s chests; it’s always been a bit of a backburner dream for me. Now that Shopify’s […]

Surviving a Digging and the Futility of Statistics

Well, the after-effects of the digg are dying down. I’m elated at the exposure—I certainly didn’t expect it to snowball to the proportions that it did. And what proportions are those?, you might ask. Well, rather big ones, actually. What follows is a formidably long tale of intrigue, danger and, above all, lessons learned about […]


I’ve gotten several emails about my Atom feed being broken. Well, I read them all, but I haven’t had the mental bandwidth to respond or really look into the matter. (Why the Atom interest all of a sudden? I’d never heard of this problem until a couple weeks ago.) Which is just as well, because […]

Teaching Rails for Charity in D.C.

Getting tech to kids is something close to my heart (as is getting books to people). Part of it’s because I’m grateful that I lucked out and had access to the things that made my current life and career possible. Without the house fire we had in 1993, and subsequent insurance payout, I wouldn’t have […]

Canada on Rails

So much to write about, so little energy! More fanfare later, but for now: Getting Started with AJAX on Rails (PDF, 290K) My Flickr stream Canada on Rails Flickr photo group And, for your possible enjoyment, some quick non-talk notes I made that look kind of amusing out of context. I’ll expand on these later. […]

S.O.S: Save Our Sanity

When I first got started in Rails, I was almost more amazed by the community than by the framework. Admittedly, at version 0.7 Rails wasn’t nearly the framework it is today, but it was still really incredible—or at least, you could tell it was going be really incredible. But the community was really something else. […]

Rails for Designers from Kevin Clark

My good friend Kevin Clark has beaten me at my own game, and published an article called Rails for Designers. It’s a crash course into to Rails for those who will be shaping the looks of Rails apps without necessarily touching the back end at all. Get your designer friends and coworkers in on the […]

Help Limit the Digital Millenium Copyright Act

This post is for my US readers, so for all of you outside our borders, my apologies. You can disregard this (or not, if you’re of that kind of mind). I’m not one to push my political agenda, and certainly not on my blog, but some things just call for it. This issue hits home […]

Interview with Tobi Lutke of Shopify

Today I’m doing something a little different. I’m posting the very first slash7 interview. If y’all are interested, I might make it a habit! Our first hapless interviewee is Rails core member Tobi Lütke of jaded Pixel. You may not immediately recognize either of those names, but surely you’ve heard of Typo, which originated with […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
Freckle Time Tracking