Posted on March 24, 2009, 7:51 pm, by Amy Hoy, under
the brain,
This is the first in a series of 2 or 3 posts for the transcript of my Jelly! talk from SXSW. Jelly! talks are put on by Yahoo! and Jelly!, the casual coworking movement. This one was held in the lovely Austin coworking space of Conjunctured. Here’s a link to the video. My name is […]
Posted on June 12, 2008, 9:31 pm, by Amy Hoy, under
A couple weeks ago, at RailsConf, I tweeted that I was skipping Joel Spolsky’s keynote and why. Judging by the few responses I got, most people took this to be a joke. It’s not. I try very hard to watch what I put into my head. To a greater or lesser degree of success. All […]
A couple days ago, my friend Courtenay was able to accurately utter the lovely clichéd phrase “you heard it here first” in a certain online community of which I am a part. Heard what here first? This: Webkit’s getting off-line storage. And it’s accessible through SQL. Say what? It’s true. Apparently (or presumably) powered by […]
On Monday I gave a 3-hour tutorial first thing in the morning, here at O’Reilly OSCON 2006 in Portland. From the description: Even though AJAX wouldn’t ever have become so popular if the Javascript world hadn’t suddenly exploded with mature development and testing tools, there’s little information on how to be a really good Javascript […]
So much to write about, so little energy! More fanfare later, but for now: Getting Started with AJAX on Rails (PDF, 290K) My Flickr stream Canada on Rails Flickr photo group And, for your possible enjoyment, some quick non-talk notes I made that look kind of amusing out of context. I’ll expand on these later. […]
Into JavaScript? Have I got good news for you!If you’re interested in JavaScript-driven web apps, snazzy visual fx, and generally confusing people into thinking your site is Flash—but oh-so-much better—you should buy our JavaScript Performance Rocks! book while it’s still in beta. Written by Thomas Fuchs, the creator of Scriptaculous, and yours truly, the maker […]
CrossPod is a project I’m helping with, dreamed up by my very good friend Chris Cornutt. It’s a service to help people upload and share short audio clips (promos) for others to use in their podcasts or other periodic audio content. It’s a non-sleazy way to promote yourself while sharing a bit of your expertise, […]
Ahhh, there’s nothing like that new startup smell. And unlike the new car smell, it’s not carcinogenic (at least, not that I’m aware of). A project I’ve been working on for the past three months has launched, and it’s rocketed up to #1 on delicious. I keep having friends join IRC channels I frequent, or […]
Sorry, everybody, for the delay in putting this up. I know the talk was Thursday and today’s Saturday, but I have a good excuse… I had a helluva time keeping a net connection at the hotel and I’ve been kinda sick. Luckily the worst held off til I was home and had somebody to dote […]