Topics in ‘Hard Work’

Don’t Write 1,000 Words a Day

“How do you motivate yourself to write 1,000 Words a Day when you don’t feel like it?” “I don’t.” — Chris Guillebeau, author How to Write 300,000 Words in 1 Year Apparently it was morning. 10…30? I patted down all the major parts: face, chest, thighs, upper arms. Man, my arms were freezing, though I’d… Read more »

The Wasp, the Caterpillar, and Cannibalizing Your Own Product from the Inside

This December, Freckle Time Tracking turns 6 years old. OMG! And 30×500 turns 5 years old… after a fashion. You see, the original 30×500 is dead. And the one before that. And the one before that. And the one before that, too. We killed them. Slowly. And we’re still killing them, even as I write… Read more

The Wasp, the Caterpillar, and Cannibalizing Your Own Product from the Inside

This December, Freckle Time Tracking turns 6 years old. OMG! And 30×500 turns 5 years old… after a fashion. You see, the original 30×500 is dead. And the one before that. And the one before that. And the one before that, too. We killed them. Slowly. And we’re still killing them, even as I write… Read more

How Your “Fuck This!” Moment Changes Everything

“I’m going to write a book.” “I’m going to build a SaaS app.” “I’m going to quit my job and travel the world.” Sound familiar? How often are these statements followed by action — real action? We all know That Guy. We all know people who spend all their time talking about what they want,… Read more »

Finish your drafts! Three rules to make writing for your audience easier

This post was written by 30×500 co-teacher and my bootstrapping partner in crime, Alex Hillman. Oh, and don’t miss the homework challenge at the end. Enjoy!— Amy Step 1 – Decide, “I’m going to write a blog post about ______________”. Step 2 – Sit down to write that blog post. Step 3 – Stare at the blinking cursor. Debate… Read more »

Is bad copy killing your product?

This is a horror story. This is a story about the lurking, creeping horror of killer copy. Not the good kind of “killer” — no, not dope or sick or totally bad — but the kind that murders your ambitions in their cradle. Spoilers: This horror story has a happy ending. And if you watch… Read more »

Help! My SaaS isn’t growing! +60% revenue, 1 year later…

Just about a year ago, I wrote that Freckle had hit the Plateau of Doom. We were dead in the water at $28,000 a month. We’d grow a little… then shrink a little, grow a little, shrink a little… for months at a time. Why? y=mx+b. Growth (new accounts) is pretty much linear, a reliable… Read more »

Startup Escape Plan: How to free up time, energy & money to build your future

When you stop working for the day, have you really gotten anywhere? Will the hours that you spent today still be paying off for you next week, next month, next year? If your answer is “No,” then you’re probably here because you’re somewhere on the left side of this spectrum: But you want to be… Read more »

How do you create a product people want to buy?

Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Have you ever found yourself mired in this process? Come up with idea! Build idea! Put idea online… Wait for sales… … wait for sales… Double down and try to figure out “product-market fit”, in other words: Who wants to buy this? Over the years, I’ve watched countless […]

The Truth About What’s Holding You Back

I’ve got a ton of interview requests in my inbox right now. I don’t know when my answers to this one will be posted, so I wanted to share it with you right now: Q: When you speak with others who haven’t started their own business, launched their own product such as a new online […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
Freckle Time Tracking