Topics in ‘Events’

30×500 is Dead, Long Live 30×500

Another 30×500 ended, a new one just begun… but not quite. The Class… The Legend As you probably know, I developed a course called 30×500. The goal: to help other designers & developers (people like me!) do what I did — create a growing, profitable stable of products, without outside funding, on the side, to create […]

3 critical, non-obvious ingredients for ANY launch

Once upon a time, in a land far away, a girl named Amy nearly botched a launch worth over $100,000. How did she do this? With a single, solitary email, reading… “Hey, doors are open! Buy your seat now!” That’s how most folks launch their products. It’s easy, and it’s wrong. And one time, I […]

“Launch Day” is a toxic idea

“Launch Day” is a toxic phrase. It’s all backwards. NASA, after all, doesn’t decide which date they’re going to launch the rocket and then the day approaches and just BAM! There goes the rocket, and that’s that, they’re all done. There’s always a countdown There’s a countdown the day of (T-Minus 10, 9, 8…). And […]

Learn All About Launches in My Online Roundtable

What do bootstrappers really need? What’s stopping you from building, launching, selling? Or from squeezing more out of the products you’ve got? Not facts. Not figures. Not how-to’s. Oh, sure, you could always use more how-to’s and more stats. But that’s not what you’re really starving for. That’s not what’s stopping you. That’s not why […]

From Freelance to Product Empire

You wanna watch this interview with me on Mixergy. Especially if you’re a frustrated consultant (or freelancer). I talk turkey about how I went from being an overworked consultant (aka “wage slave” – ha!) to starting and running my own mini-product empire. if(!navigator.mimeTypes[‘application/x-shockwave-flash’])Wistia.VideoEmbed(‘wistia_298493′,600,290,{videoUrl:’’,stillUrl:’’,distilleryUrl:’’,accountKey:’wistia-production_1621′,mediaId:’wistia-production_298493′,mediaDuration:3905.7}) var socialJQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);new SocialBar(“wistia_298493_social”, {buttons:[“embed”,”stats”,”twitter”,”facebook”,”email”,”wistia”],url:””,title:”From “Kept Woman” To Ruler Of Her […]

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  1. Let’s Draw Back the Curtain
  2. How to Make Financial Decisions, a Play in 1 Act
  3. The Product Revolution ‘tude

Join Our Free Infoproduct Show & Tell

Infoproducts! Are! Awesome! You know I already think so, which is why I’ve written about what infoproducts are, how to sell them, the reason they’re awesome for the future of, well, everyone, and of course, the math behind slowly freeing yourself from freelancing… all through the transformative beauty of the infoproduct. But you know what […]

Related posts:

  1. Infoproduct Show & Tell recording and links
  2. Developers, Designers: Make an Infoproduct
  3. Running the Numbers: Your First Infoproduct

Why I’m putting on a bootstrapping conference in Vienna

Yes, definitely Vienna. cc paula moya Despite what my former American neighbor said — “Eh, it’s all the same. They barbecue and drink beer, just like us!” — up and moving to Austria has been a total shock to my system. So what’s a girl to do when she’s voluntarily excised herself from her meatspace […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
Freckle Time Tracking