Topics in ‘Bootstrapping’

The Truth about Success – Brick by Brick

Scene: Last Thursday, at a big round table in a — no joke — Portugese-Chinese fusion tapas joint, sealed off from the rest of the room by beaded curtains made of brass. At the table, a bunch of geeks eating finger food and shootin’ the shit. It was, in a way, a business round table. […]

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Your Job? Ensure this NEVER Happens to You

When you create a product that people love, you take on a special kind of responsibility. This is what happens when you don’t take that responsibility seriously: Mixin was a very cool little tool. Lots of people loved it. And now it’s dead, because its parents didn’t ensure that they gave their little product-baby what […]

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  1. Why I’m putting on a bootstrapping conference in Vienna

Why I’m putting on a bootstrapping conference in Vienna

Yes, definitely Vienna. cc paula moya Despite what my former American neighbor said — “Eh, it’s all the same. They barbecue and drink beer, just like us!” — up and moving to Austria has been a total shock to my system. So what’s a girl to do when she’s voluntarily excised herself from her meatspace […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
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