Archive for February 2013

A Customer Is Your MVP – A (Video) Talk on Making Products that Sell

This talk is nominally about copywriting, but it’s not, not really. It’s about product-making. It’s about business-making. It’s about gall. I had a blast at Microconf. Highly recommend it. I’ll be back. And thanks so much to Rob and Mike for making these videos available so I can share them with you. Transcript below! Amy […]

Why We Shut Down Charm on the Eve of Public Launch, at $48k/Year and Growing

This is part of my 4-year bootstrapping retrospective. Part 1: Why Bootstrapping Was The Only Logical Choice. A couple months ago, I found something I wrote accidentally on Hacker News. Having vitriol spewed at me. (Surprise! Some might say those two phrases are redundant! Why? My husband and I had shut down our second SaaS […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
Freckle Time Tracking