Archive for September 2012


Seems like most of my best writing goes to the 30×500 Alumni mailing list these days. Including this little bit below. One of my brilliant (and particularly sesquipedalian) students was talking about the way that pedestrian thinking tends to exert inexorable drag on humanity: Wordy Student: Just a zooming out sub specie aeternitatis observation: certain […]

“Shut Up and Take My Money!” – Or, How to Pitch so People Will Listen

The phrase “Shut up and take my money!” may have come from a cartoon, but it’s not a myth. “Shut Up Money” (SU$ for short!) has happened to me and I’ve watched it happen to my students & my friends. It’s unbelievably life-affirming and awesome, when somebody wants to give you their money even more […]

Why Bootstrapping Is Better than an Accelerator Program

NOTE FROM YOUR EDITOR: Sometimes you get an email that’s so right, that so captures what you’ve been trying to create for years that you just can’t help but dance and squeal with glee. That’s how I felt when I saw this very powerful story on the 30×500 mailing list. I feel honored to help […]

9 Years Ago, 37signals Had No Products…

How the hell did 37signals go from an unknown little consulting company to a bootstrapped product juggernaut? Below is a video lesson from my 30×500 Product Launch Class which explains how. It’s called Stacking the Bricks, and it’s a no-nonsense look at how 5 businesses got started, and how they grew and are growing — […]

Why You Gotta Apply for 30×500 & Why You Should LOVE it

SoooOoooo. I put together a little video for ya, all about the 30×500 application process. If you’re planning to apply, you should definitely watch it. For starters, it gives you a lil taste of the Amy Universe. And who doesn’t want that? Also… inside, I spell out exactly why you have to apply (hint: I’m terribly […]

Be Your Own Angel – How to Make Money Happen

Let’s talk about money, baby! And where money comes from. Whether it’s funding or acquihires, angels or convertible notes, debt or income, money is the topic we all looooove to talk about (and pretend not to care about). Lemme be straight with you: I love me some money. And I don’t mind admitting it. Growing […]

Hey, why not get a shiny
Freckle Time Tracking