Pimp your JS Workflow & more
Update! Forgot to add this one to the list below: Wanna kick some interface designing butt? Hit the stacks!, wherein yours truly gets overly excited about research papers. But in a useful way.
Happy Friday, sports racers!
I know I’ve been neglecting you, but no more. Look, I brought you flowers!
Aren’t they nice? They set off the color of your eyes.
Here are some other goodies for ya:
Park Your Horse, Code Cowboy: Professional JavaScript Workflows
I’ve started writing for DailyJS, an up-and-coming JavaScript blog you’re bound to enjoy. Naturally I chose a topic where I get to chastise you naughty, naughty programmers. You know who you are. Yes, you.
The first post? All about tidying up your code base and making it usable. Now with more Sprockets!
Cowboy. Cowboy. Cowboy. I love that word.
Wanna kick interfacing designing butt? Hit the stacks!
So is titled my first guest post for Fuel Your Interface, another up-and-coming site you should check out.
If you’ve ever wondered how I come up with my crazy design ideas, well, here’s how you can learn 45% of the equation. (The rest is: 45% meditation/mindfulness; 5% sheer obstinancy.)
Pardon me, your philosophy is showing: Less is less
Speaking of obstinancy…
The other day I got into a rap session with Scott Blitstein. And by rap I mean long philosophical discussion about software, as opposed to some awesome nerd variant of dirty dozens. Although that would have been cool.
He also talked to some other folks (more reasonable than moi) and turned it into a really cool article called Less is Less.
Amy Hoy UsesThis
Well, pardner—you wanna get to know me better? Check out my interview for UsesThis. I get a little philosophical, a little deep, a little obsessed with 1960s Danish teak furniture. And then I spank myself.
Verbally, at least.
Upcoming: Wanna get off your butt and ship your own product?
So a few weeks ago—ack, all the way back in December—I did this 3.5-hour conference call all about my Year of Hustle and what I learned from it. (Don’t know what this YoH thing is? Read this.)
That call was about the lessons I’d learned going from an ultra procrastinator to an shipping ninja: I shipped more than 4 products of my own (a web app, a book, a Mac app, a live course, oh my!) in a year.
Despite the fact that I announced the call only 2 days in advance, and it carried a $100 price tag, 8 people joined me that evening—and I donated $160 to help build toilets in poor countries.
It was awesome. And overwhelmingly, the number one piece of feedback was: MORE, PLEASE!
More? I asked. More?? Well, I’ll give you more.
From Zero to Launching Your First Product
Alex Hillman and I sat down, burned through a helluva lot of flip charts, and created a 12-week course that’s designed to take you (yes, you!) from absolute zero to your very first independent product launch.
It’s gonna be 12-weeks of awesome teaching, insight, homework, support, encouragement, and loving kicks in the ass. Each week has a lesson, a story, real world proof, and homework; every other week, we do a live conference call with a mini-lesson and Q&A. (Recordings will be available). You can take this course from anywhere in the world.
It’s extremely thorough, better-organized than most college classes, and a helluva lot more directly profitable to you.
Join over 500 happy people on my handy dandy Advanced Discount List, and prepare to save a whopping chunk of change—double digit percentage—off that price. You’ll get some free goodies leading up to our course launch, too!

(Don’t worry, I’ll only drop by your inbox a few times a year, and always come bearing hostess gifts.)
Got any approximate idea when this session would start?
Yes—we’ll be starting right after SXSW, in mid-March. 🙂