This one’s a quickie: Thomas, with a little help from his friends, has put out the first alpha for Scripty2 (aka Scriptaculous 2.0). While there are lots of things missing (autocompleter, etc.), it’s pretty damn stable. That’s what we’ve been using for Twistori, the various Zeitgeists, and of course, Freckle time tracking. Thomas has written […]
Posted on June 22, 2009, 4:53 pm, by Amy Hoy, under
Hate cuss words? Avert thine eyes! (What are you doing reading this blog, though, I’d be interested to know. Oh right. You already looked away. I’m just holding a conversation with myself. Ladeeda… George Carlin is one of my heroes: hilarious, self-deprecating, edgy without being bitter, envelope-pushing without resorting to valueless shock, remarkably poetic, a […]
Posted on June 11, 2009, 3:39 pm, by Amy Hoy, under
The same thrill, the same awe and mystery, comes again and again when we look at any question deeply enough. With more knowledge comes a deeper, more wonderful mystery, luring one on to penetrate deeper still. Never concerned that the answer may prove disappointing, with pleasure and confidence we turn over each new stone to […]
Thinking is supposed to be a question mark. But most people treat it like a period. Headology vs First Sight, Second Thoughts Terry Pratchett’s always written about witches and, by extension, the essence of humanity. But his Wee Free Men trilogy is the best yet, and the most true to life. He names the fundamentals […]
Posted on June 6, 2009, 4:26 pm, by Amy Hoy, under
I almost never link blog, but these tabs have been sitting open in my browser for ages because I thought they were truly worth sharing: The art of Up I haven’t seen Up yet, what with the whole Being In Austria thing and whatnot, but this post from one of the principal artists, Lou Romano, […]
In March, we built the ground-breaking SXSW Zeitgeist for Pepsico. It’s no longer running—SXSW is over, natch—but there are some videos, in case you didn’t see it. Pepsi wanted to “do something cool around Twitter/SXSW” and we delivered the concept, design and execution. (And boots-on-the-ground troubleshooting.) It was a big hit. It got mentioned in […]