Teaching Rails for Charity in D.C.

Getting tech to kids is something close to my heart (as is getting books to people). Part of it’s because I’m grateful that I lucked out and had access to the things that made my current life and career possible. Without the house fire we had in 1993, and subsequent insurance payout, I wouldn’t have had a modern computer at home. And without that computer, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with tech. I have no idea where I’d be. I would never have met my fiancé or most of the very good friends I now have. I honestly can’t even imagine having a career that wasn’t orbiting technology in some fashion.

It was all down to luck, but not everyone has that kind of luck.

And so, at the end of May, I’ll be co-teaching a Rails workshop with Ezra Zygmuntowicz in D.C., to benefit the César Chávez charter public school.

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Rails Workshop… for Good

The two-day workshop runs Saturday, May 20th and Sunday, May 21st from 9 to 5. It will be held at the school in Washington, D.C. Tickets are $400 ($200 for students); lunch will be served. We’ll cover a lot and you’ll learn a lot. Visit the Workshop for Good site for more details. (Note: the schedule is undergoing some serious revision, but don’t worry, you WILL learn a lot. Trust me.)

Again, in helpful bullets:

  • May 20th – 21st (a weekend), 9am to 5pm
  • César Chávez public charter school in Washington, D.C.
  • $400 for both days, $200 for students (up to 5 student tickets)
  • Rails Rails Rails!

Giving Back

But where’s the for Good part come from? Simply put, all of the proceeds go to buying stuff for the students, with the focus on some computers for a small graphic design/media lab. Despite their outward appearance, and the large amounts of money theoretically at play in DC, these schools are underfunded and underserved by the system.

Ezra and I are teaching this workshop for charity’s sake—in other words, not for pay.

Please consider signing up if you’re looking to learn and the area’s convenient. It’s deal, from everyone’s point of view! Feel free to contact me, Ezra, or Jeff Casimir directly with any questions.

No Comments

  1. Jeff Casimir says:

    Thanks for putting this up Amy, I hope we can generate some productive traffic.

    We should get our three brains together and finalize the schedule/topic-set soon.

  2. Right on, Amy! Thanks for doing the right thing.

    Don’t hesitate to let me know if I can help in any way.


  3. Ritchie says:

    Wow, thats amazing! I’m a first time reader/commenter. Teaching is such a rewarding thing to do.

  4. Danny Cohen says:

    Nice to see the TenSquare getting some Ruby representation!

  5. You should register on meetup.com as a computer tutor in your area.

    It would make it totally easier for people nearby to find you and sign up on the course (and any others you do in future).

    I just got on there myself, recently. I have found half a dozen groups in my area doing things I am interested in. I have already been to meetings of two different groups in the past 2 weeks.

    It really works. The site is well planned out and has lots of goodies to help promote the meetings.

Hey, why not get a shiny
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