RailsDay, RailsConf
I’m at RailsConf! If you see me, come over and say hi. I have green hair, and I’m female, so I’m easy to spot. Also, I’ve finally caved and uploaded a picture:
I’ve found that if I smile, I look drugged, and if I don’t smile, I also looked drugged, so there you go!
Sorry for the suspense, but man can being up 41 hours wipe you out!
Here are some more screenshots from my RailsDay project, created with my longtime friend and Rails collaborator Bryan Wood:

And the previous sneak, we actually didn’t get to fully implement. Darn you, time! But here’s the Photoshop mockup in its entirety:

Note: Our application is viewable source, but not open source. You can download it, learn from it, tweak it, run it on your own computer, but our license doesn’t allow you to reuse or redistribute chunks of its code or graphics, HTML, CSS, etc. We really wanted to participate but we didn’t want to change our project to something we wouldn’t mind see installed on a bunch of other people’s web sites.
You look drugged 😉
I disagree, nor did you look drugged in person (I saw you at Canada on Rails).
Marshall, only in pictures 😉 I may SOUND drugged in person, but that’s an entirely different story. 🙂
Perception is reality… you are drugged 🙂
>> Sorry for the suspense, but man can being up 41 hours wipe you out!
Dude, I feel you. I still haven’t updated my blog after Rails Day either. It was fun, but wow, not easy.
Freckle looks like a neat project! Obviously you weren’t too drugged during Rails Day, since it looks like you got a lot done. 🙂
Hi Amy, I love the screen shots!